The power of my heart to theirs...
Amidst my frustrating morning and anxieties around the woman I assist with mealtimes at the LTC, I tried my best to find a place of calm. The day panned out. Some fun things occured. I had ordered an ESL book for a resident who'd been super patient, and it felt like a huge win, only to find out it was too complex for him and his wife who'd visited to understand. Back to the grindstone with that. I got through my day. I visited my residents to find out who'd like to participate in bible study in June, and what topics they felt were most important to them. I popped in on my favourite people. One of them is a gentleman who I can tell has love in his heart for me, but I cannot pursue it as my professional obligations restrict that kind of relationship. I always try to redirect it to a platonic place of mutual care, but today he wanted a hug. He gently put his hands on my mid back while I hugged him. I don't say no to hugs at work, just because we all know how integral hum...