Do miracles happen?

 Today was overall a good day. Nothing special on our horizon. Another person passed away, but it was a slow path downwards after the last hospital visit for them. 

I think we pulled off a miracle that truly made my boss's day.

We've got person A. This person has been MONUMENTALLY challenging for our team and especially our boss. But as we are attempting to encourage this person's activation, we bring them to more group programs. Today they did bingo. Then in the afternoon, they spent time with a person they liked. And in the afternoon, my team mate recommended I try this person for a recorded announcement that we play in the home thrice weekly for residents and staff to know what upcoming activities and events are going on. (residents read off a pre-written announcement written by me, which I then record on our cellphone) I did not expect this person to say yes to doing an announcement, but they did, and concisely! I was impressed. I was floored. I was thrilled. I ran back to my boss's office and we all did a mini celebration.

This is big for us. Where we've struggled for about a month with this person, this was a giant, enormous, massive leap forwards.

So, yes even though sometimes I feel like giving up, today was a big win. 

And yep, dementiability works. Give people a reason to feel worthy, give them something to connect to, and they will most likely keep shining (and occasionally surprise your socks off with their willingness!)  The announcements are simple for a reason: to keep our communication in house flowing. But it provides the residents with confidence, purpose, dignity and a reason to feel connected to the home and its community. People don't enter long-term care just to die. We give them a chance at life, even amidst illness. And that is something I will never take for granted. 


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