If you touched one person's life for the better....

 Today I fell apart. I still feel like I'm falling apart. One thing after the other and then the other. I think my boss is losing faith in me although she knows how good I am at my job.

First off I can see why she worries about me, but also I felt like she doesn't have enough patience or understanding of me.

I can't say that I'm perfect, and at the end of the conversation we had this morning I think she utilized what empathy she had left to try and meet me halfway.

The thing I did like that she said to me was on the lines of "we might not get it all right, but if you spent that time changing a few people's lives for the better, you had that impact, and that's important to them."

This is the truth, this is why I take on more than any other person in my team.

I'm not a work-a-holic, I just want my clients to feel good about themselves, to feel alive, to feel encouraged. 

I mean we write these dinky care plans every month, and it says in each one that we're meant to be encouraging their activation, encouraging them to feel adjusted in this new environment, and giving them the autonomy to self-direct if they so choose.

I have to believe that by following through on my care plans, that I'm at least trying to do what's right, what's my job.

I have high expectations and high standards. I don't do anything half-assed. I like to give people my all.

So at the end of the day, although a lot of things are paining me, I can still sit back and recognize the impact and lasting benefit I will have on people. My people! 


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